Settings: Sign In with Google/Facebook/Apple

Steps to one click sign in.


  • From the Realtracs login page, click the option to Sign In with Google.

  • If you aren't already signed into to your google account, select which one you would like to use and then login.
  • You will be directed back to the Realtracs login page. Log into RealTracs with your username and password.image-png-Jan-17-2024-08-01-00-7757-PMimage-png-Jan-17-2024-08-26-05-9156-PM

  • To proceed with linking the account, choose the Link Account button. 

  • From the Realtracs login page, click the option to Sign In with Facebook.image-png-Jan-17-2024-07-48-32-9763-PM
  • If you aren't already signed into to your Facebook account, enter your email or phone # and password to sign in.
  • A message will display asking you to continue linking your account. Please verify that the correct account information displays for your Facebook and then select Continue.
  • You will be directed back to the Realtracs login page. Log into RealTracs with your username and password.

  • To proceed with linking the account, choose the Link Account button. 


  • From the Realtracs login page, click the option to Sign In with Apple. image-png-Jan-17-2024-07-48-32-9763-PM
  • Enter your email or phone number.
  • You will have to use the 2 Factor Authentication
  • Select Trust and then Continue. 
  • A message will display asking you to continue linking your account. Please verify that the correct account information displays for your Facebook and then select Continue.

  • You will be directed back to the Realtracs login page. Log into RealTracs with your username and password.image-png-Jan-17-2024-08-01-00-7757-PMimage-png-Jan-17-2024-08-26-05-9156-PM
  • To proceed with linking the account, choose the Link Account button. 

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