SEARCH: My Lists


WHAT IS IT?  My Lists is a way for you to save listings to specific folders and categorize/organize them.  They can be favorite properties, comps, watchlists, client specific; really anything you want!


  1. To begin, you can save any property/ies to a list from any search results screen (GRID /LIST /MAP /PROPERTY REPORT), just select the 'My Lists' Icon.                                                                                               GRID VIEWimage-png-Jan-29-2023-06-23-42-0926-PMLIST VIEWimage-png-Jan-29-2023-08-07-23-3236-PMMAP VIEWimage-png-Jan-29-2023-08-08-54-7164-PMFULL PROPERTY REPORT VIEWimage-png-Jan-29-2023-08-10-10-0940-PM
  2. Select the blue 'Add' button next to the list you wish to save the property to.image-png-Jan-29-2023-06-26-22-8903-PMimage-png-Jan-29-2023-08-27-46-0594-PM
  3. To create an entirely new list, simply click 'Create a New List' at the bottom left.image-png-Jan-29-2023-08-29-09-2443-PM 
  4. Then name the list and select the blue 'Submit' button. image-png-Jan-29-2023-08-31-02-5180-PMimage-png-Jan-29-2023-08-34-01-1904-PM
  5. To view, load or create multiple lists at once, hover over 'Search' and select 'My Lists'.image-png-Jan-29-2023-08-36-36-9761-PM
  6. In the folder you will find a catalogue of your lists.  Select the list you wish to see and it will load.  OR  To create multiple lists, click 'Create a New List', then, name the list and select the blue 'Submit' button and repeat as necessary.image-png-Jan-29-2023-08-40-25-6793-PMimage-png-Jan-29-2023-08-41-10-7677-PM
  7. To Rename or Delete a list, select the folder icon labeled 'Load', then, select the 3 dot menu in the folder.image-png-Jan-29-2023-08-42-59-5804-PMimage-png-Jan-29-2023-08-44-21-8833-PM
  8. To remove a property or multiple properties from one of your lists, select the folder icon labeled 'Load'.  Click the name to load the list you wish to remove the proerty/ies from. Then, just select the property/ies you wish to remove and click the trash can icon labeled delete.image-png-Jan-29-2023-08-42-59-5804-PMimage-png-Jan-29-2023-08-48-17-0101-PMimage-png-Jan-29-2023-08-53-50-8157-PM
  9. You can also add list of mls #'s.  From the list you wish to save the mls #'s to, simply click on the plus icon labeled 'Quick Add'.  Then just paste in your mls #/s, and click 'Add MLS Numbers'.image-png-Jan-29-2023-09-42-27-3702-PMimage-png-Jan-29-2023-09-45-22-2973-PMimage-png-Jan-29-2023-09-46-43-5942-PM

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