Broker: User Management-Transfer User

How to Transfer, Edit, Cancel & Receive User Steps

  1. From the dashboard, hover over Admin and select User Management. image-png-May-09-2024-05-25-21-1779-PM

  2. Find the agent you wish to transfer, click on the 3 dot menu.  Then click Transfer User.

  3. On the Transfer User page, enter the office name where the agent is transferring to, BE SURE to scroll down in the list of brokerages to find the CORRECT brokerage. 

  4. If there are any active listings, BE SURE to scroll down to see ALL of them and then indicate if the listings are being assigned to another agent in your office, canceled or transferred with the agent to their new brokerage. Once you've assigned, canceled or transferred all listings, click Transfer User.

  5. As the receiving office, hover over Admin and select User Management.  


    You will see the agent status as Incoming.  Click Accept.  Then, click Accept on the next page.image-png-May-09-2024-07-18-16-5347-PM

  6. If you forgot to transfer the listings with the agent transfer, you can edit it in User Management, find the user and select the 3 dot menu and click Edit TransferBE SURE to scroll down to see all of them and then indicate if the listings are being assigned to another agent in your office, canceled or transferred with the agent, and then click Save Changes.

  7. If you transferred an agent by accident and need to cancel the transfer, in User Management, find the user and select the 3 dot menu, and click Cancel Transfer. Click Confirm and then Ok.

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