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Listing Alerts via Auto Notify: Manage

How to Manage your Listing Alert Campaigns

  • You can arrive at the Auto Notify Manager in a few different ways.
    • Hover over 'Search' and select Auto Notify. 

    • -OR- If you are using your Dashboard Widgets, the Auto Notify widget has a quick link:  Click 'go to my Auto Notifies'.

  • Either will take you here.  image-png-Feb-23-2024-06-29-54-3491-PM
    • A blue number in the 'New' column, indicates new activity since you last looked at that specific Auto Notify.  The 'Last Updated' column tells you how long ago the latest listings were sent.  To see those new listings that were sent to your client, click the number.  
    • Here you can see the new results via the Grid/List/Map, as well as click 'View All' to see past listings sent.  Utilize the tools to the right or to return to the manager on the left.
      • Filter the Results (All/New/Selected/Saved/Liked/Disliked/Off Market)
        Share (Email to AN Client/Email to a different Client or share link)
        Print (Variety of print options)
        More ... (Use a variety of tools & 3rd Party Products)
    • You can select the star icon ⭐️ as well, this 'Recommends' a property and your client will see that in their portal view.
    • From the 'List' view:
      • Quickly add/remove columns using the settings gear button
      • Click+drag columns to reorganize layout dynamically
      • Contacts/Clients see the layout you set up
      • Layout changes are auto-saved and unique to each Auto Notify
Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 12.56.44 PM

  • To return to the Auto Notify Manager select 'Manager' on the left.
    • To view all past results or return to a specific Auto Notify, click on the Search Name.  
    • If you have more than 10 auto notifications set up, you can search for a specific Auto Notify by Contact, Description and Email, rather than constantly scrolling, just enter what you want to find in the top left corner.  
  • To edit the Search Criteria for an Auto Notify use the Edit Column and click on the Magnifying Glass.  
    • Enter any Common Criteria and Additional Criteria that may apply to the edit.  You can also edit using the center tool on the map, draw a specific area or shape on the map, add layers, drive time or even do a Near Me search and/or combine any of these to Edit the search.  Then click search.  

    **REMEMBER** Unless searching a specific MLS #/s, all searches require you to enter a location type, i.e., County, City, Zip Code, or Using the Map Location.

      • To save the newly edited criteria to the Auto Notify Campaign, select the Next button.
      • You can make note of the edit for yourself, or your client, or you can click Save.  
    • To change any Auto Notify settings such as notification preferences, email addresses, adding another contact etc, click the Gear icon in the Settings column.
    Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 2.08.17 PM 
      • Make the appropriate changes and then save.

    • You can also Deactivate an Auto Notify Search by selecting the More icon (...) and then clicking Deactivate Search.  To see all Inactive Auto Notify Campaigns select the Inactive button.

    • To re-activate an Auto Notify, click on the 'Inactive' tab, then, click the More icon (...) and then select Reactivate Search.

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